Wellington region growth and development reports

Framework Report 2021

The Wellington Regional Growth Framework is a blueprint for regional growth in the Wellington region (including the Wairarapa) and the Horowhenua over the next 30+ years and envisages a region that could accommodate another 200,000 people.

Foundation Report 2021

This is the Foundation Report for the Wellington Regional Growth Framework. It outlines the context for the development of the Framework and identifies the key challenges for growth in the region. This 2021 version provides an update on the Foundation Report 2020 and includes the latest census information.  Where information is still more than 1-2 years old, this is due to no updated information being available.

Options Assessment Report 2020

This is the Options Assessment Report for the Wellington Regional Growth Framework.  It provides a summary of the assessment undertaken for the different spatial plan scenarios and urban form development options to assist in the development of the Emerging Direction for the Framework.

We undertook both quantitative and qualitative assessments of the urban development options using criteria aligned to the project objectives. The report provides a summary of this assessment only including a numerical assessment.

This report should be read as an input to other work, not as a final conclusion of the spatial direction for the Framework and not as policy for any of the partner organisations.

Constraints Report 2020

This is the Constraints Report for the Wellington Regional Growth Framework.  It represents the project partner’s current thinking around key constraints and values that pose limits to the urban footprint at the regional scale, and which already inform land use decision making.

The report identifies, for the purposes of regional spatial planning, Wāhi Toitū (areas of the region where new urban development should not occur due to constraints and protections that are present) and Wāhi Toiora (areas of the region where constraints and values require care to be taken as new urban development occurs).

This report is based on existing information and GIS data available to the Framework. It is anticipated it will be updated over time as the draft Framework is updated and reviewed.

Employment Analysis Report 2020

This is the Employment Analysis Report for the Wellington Regional Growth Framework. It builds upon the Foundation Report, bringing together additional information on current regional employment trends, employment projections and employment challenges and opportunities. The report details employment-related travel journeys, and where employment opportunities are currently located in the region.

The report is based on existing research and data and includes no new analysis.

We have also drawn upon other information including Iwi management plans



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