What is the Wellington Regional Growth Framework?

The Framework is a spatial plan that describes a long-term vision for how the region will grow, change and respond to key urban development challenges and opportunities in a way that gets the best outcomes and maximises the benefits across the region.


The region is growing faster than it has done for many decades and is facing immediate and longer-term housing supply and affordability, urban development and infrastructure challenges.


This is a collaboration between local councils, central government and māna whenua.
We’ve talked to groups, business and organisations to help us build a framework for future planning and growth.


The Framework includes Masterton, Carterton, South Wairarapa, Upper Hutt, Lower Hutt, Wellington, Porirua, Kāpiti Coast and Horowhenua.

Our current priorities

Housing supply, affordability, and choice

Housing is unaffordable for many people in the region. A lack of supply, limited choice, and decreasing affordability is contributing to homelessness, overcrowding and poor health and educational outcomes.
The demand for housing is pushing more residential growth to outer areas such as Levin and Wairarapa – causing the displacement of communities.

Region-wide work is needed to understand the required investment in infrastructure and the barriers affecting supply.

Iwi/Māori housing, capacity and taonga

Māori home ownership rates are lowest in the Wellington-Horowhenua region with access to affordable housing a significant issue.

Opportunities to improve housing for Māori are being developed in partnerships between iwi, local government, and central government but we have identified a need for Iwi/Māori organisations to have greater capacity when participating in these processes.

Next steps

We are now implementing the Wellington Regional Growth Framework. If you’d like to be kept up to date with what’s happening sign up to our newsletter.



+64 27 444 1879

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